A Spooky Twist: The History of Halloween Weddings
Did you know... Halloween used to be all about finding "the one", or at least trying? Who knew that Halloween was as romantic as Valentines Day!
Keep reading to take a look at some amusing, quirky traditions from years gone by that we've adopted today with a modern flair.
Apple bobbing
Love and romance are in the air—and sometimes, in the water, too!
The game of bobbing for apples is a Halloween tradition that was once more closely associated with romance than it is today. Young women used to secretly mark apples and then drop them in a tub of water; men would try to snag the apples. Whoever's apple they grabbed was considered fated for them. It was kind of like matchmaking with a spooky twist, wasn't it?
Eating sweets
I know, not all of us have a sweet tooth, but we can all agree that treats are delicious. According to an old wives' tale, if a woman eats a dessert of sugary nuts before going to sleep on Halloween night, she'll dream of—you guessed it—her future husband. Anyone for treats?
Before pumpkins, there was cabbage
In the past, cabbages were just as popular on Halloween as pumpkins are today. It was thought that a woman could predict her future marriage by plucking up a cabbage with her eyes blindfolded. A healthy cabbage would mean a loving and cordial husband; an unhealthy one would mean the opposite.
If you're looking to try a few new Halloween traditions this year, keep these oldies-but-goodies in mind. They can be a fun addition to your night and add some extra romance—or at least a good laugh! Just enjoy the season and make sure that whatever you do to celebrate, it has a good balance of fun and family.
Let’s talk, how’s your trick or treat going?

Photo: Roy Nuesca
Photo: Seeking Films
Photo: Stephen Ludwig Photography
Photo: Derek Wong Photography